![]() I worked on the protection operations, documentation and preventing trespassing on archaeological sites. I worked on the documentation of many archaeological sites in north east Syria including the storages of Herakla, the museum of Raqqa, in addition to the removal and restoration of mosaic from the site of Shioukh tahtani in the administrative region of Aleppo in coordination with DGAM. |
I also participated in transferring the contents of many expedition houses in Hassaka and other regions like the expedition's house in Tell Sabi Abiad in Raqqa and the expedition's house in Tell Haloula in Aleppo region. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to work in Tell Mozan prior to the crises. In 2017, I joined the team of Tell Mozan where I started working on freehand drawings. Then I worked on the awareness campaign related to the eco archaeological park intended to be finalized when the crisis is over. We gave lectures on this subject in the villages around Tell Mozan in addition to receiving the locals in the site. ![]() |
Furthermore, we held exhibits and workshops on Urkesh, and cultural exchange project between elementary school students in Syria and Italy. |
Recently, I conducted an inventory of the storehouse contents, in addition to maintenance operations in excavation area J1 and the big stone wall in area J, I also worked on the documentation of the palace walls, awareness tours in Tell Mozan and receiving foreign visitors (especially humanitarian organizations operating in the region). |
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![]() In the next months, we are going to start a cultural exchange project between elementary school students in Syria, Greece and Italy, which will increase and enrich the School Project that started in 2017. |
Recent activities A list of the activities supervised by Amer Ahmad at Tell Mozan can be found on this site, on the conservation, site presentation and awareness campaign webpages. A list of visitors who have been welcomed and guided on the site by Amer Ahmad in the years 2019-2020 is available at this page. The specific case of the conservation intervention in the area J5 of the Urkesh site is available on the Urkesh Global Record. Amer Ahmad has recently conducted a period of research (02/03/2022-02/10/2022) in Budapest (Hungary) to further develop his studies (within his MA program at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest) on unit A6 (Palace AP) of the archaeological site of Urkesh/Tell Mozan. A preliminary report of this unit has been published in UMS 6 (see pp. 49-50 and p. 65). A description of his research, entitled The kitchen of the royal palace of Tupkish at Urkesh (sector D): stratigraphy, typology and conservation, can be found at this link. |